The Message of False Religions
There are so many sects, cults, religions, philosophies, and movements in the world, all of which claim to be the right way or the only true path to God.
How can one determine which one is correct or if, in fact, all are correct?
The method by which the answer can be found is to clear away the superficial differences in the teachings of the various claimants to the ultimate truth, and identify the central object of worship to which they call, directly or indirectly.
False religions all have in common one basic concept with regards to God. They either claim that all men are gods; or that specific men were God; or that nature is God; or that God is a figment of man's imagination.
Thus, it may be stated that the basic message of false religion is that God may be worshipped in the form of His creation. False religion invites man to the worship of creation by calling the creation or some aspect of it God.
For example, prophet Jesus invited his followers to worship God but those who claim to be his followers today call people to worship Jesus, claiming that he was God!
Buddha was a reformer who introduced a number of humanistic principles to the religion of India. He did not claim to be God nor did he suggest to his followers that he be an object of worship.
Yet, today most Buddhists who are to be found outside of India have taken him to be God and prostrate to idols made in their perception of his likeness.
By using the principle of identifying the object of worship, false religion becomes very obvious and the contrived nature of their origin clear.
How can one determine which one is correct or if, in fact, all are correct?
The method by which the answer can be found is to clear away the superficial differences in the teachings of the various claimants to the ultimate truth, and identify the central object of worship to which they call, directly or indirectly.
False religions all have in common one basic concept with regards to God. They either claim that all men are gods; or that specific men were God; or that nature is God; or that God is a figment of man's imagination.
Thus, it may be stated that the basic message of false religion is that God may be worshipped in the form of His creation. False religion invites man to the worship of creation by calling the creation or some aspect of it God.
For example, prophet Jesus invited his followers to worship God but those who claim to be his followers today call people to worship Jesus, claiming that he was God!
Buddha was a reformer who introduced a number of humanistic principles to the religion of India. He did not claim to be God nor did he suggest to his followers that he be an object of worship.
Yet, today most Buddhists who are to be found outside of India have taken him to be God and prostrate to idols made in their perception of his likeness.
By using the principle of identifying the object of worship, false religion becomes very obvious and the contrived nature of their origin clear.
As God said in the Qur’aan:
"That which you worship besides Him are only names you and your forefathers have invented for which God has sent down no authority: The command belongs only to God: He has commanded that you only worship Him; that is the right religion, but most men do not understand".
(Qur’aan, Chapter 12 --- "Joseph", Verse 40)
It may be argued that all religions teach good things so why should it matter which one we follow.
The reply is that all false religions teach the greatest evil, the worship of creation.
Creation-worship is the greatest sin that man can commit because it contradicts the very purpose of his creation.
Man was created to worship God alone as God has explicitly stated in the Qur’aan:
The reply is that all false religions teach the greatest evil, the worship of creation.
Creation-worship is the greatest sin that man can commit because it contradicts the very purpose of his creation.
Man was created to worship God alone as God has explicitly stated in the Qur’aan:
"I have only created Jinns and men, that they may worship me"
(Qur’aan, Chapter 51 --- "The Winds that Scatter", Verse 56)
(Qur’aan, Chapter 51 --- "The Winds that Scatter", Verse 56)
Consequently, the worship of creation, which is the essence of idolatry, is the only unforgivable sin.
One who dies in this state of idolatry has sealed his fate in the next life.
This is not an opinion, but a revealed fact stated by God in his final revelation to man:
One who dies in this state of idolatry has sealed his fate in the next life.
This is not an opinion, but a revealed fact stated by God in his final revelation to man:
"Verily God will not forgive the joining of partners with Him, but He may forgive (sins) less than that for whomsoever He wishes"
(Qur’aan, Chapter 4 --- "The Women", Verses 48 and 116)